
Extension of NPS Fortnight from 11th July, 2017 to 21st July, 2017. 

                   With a view to promote and create awareness about the National Pension System (NPS) and improve the quality of services provided to the subscribers, PFRDA is observing NPS fortnight from 27th June, 2017 to 11th July, 2017 successfully. Keeping in view the demand raised by Government Nodal Offices and also benefits to the NPS subscribers, PFRDA has decided to extend the NPS Service Fortnight from 11th July, 2017 to 21st July 2017. During this extended period also all the nodal offices, Pay and Account Offices and DDOs under the Central and State Governments, Points of Presence/ banks/ aggregators/ banking correspondents etc. will be involved with the acquisition, servicing of NPS subscribers and creating awareness about the National Pension System, in a proactive manner.

 NSDL has also developed an exclusive web link i.e. https://npscra.nsdl.co.in/nps.php ,which encapsulates all the information and functionalities related to NPS subscriber, including ‘NPS Mobile App’, which may be instrumental for effective & efficient use of NPS Service Fortnight.

 Benefits of downloading mobile app:

 The NPS Mobile APP gives details of Subscribers account online without approaching their respective nodal offices. The Subscriber can access latest account details as is available on the CRA web site using user ID (PRAN) and password. The APP gives better user experience and provides additional functionalities such as

 (i) View of current Holdings viz Percentage of Asset allocation among PFMs (Unit , NAV & Amount) & total value of holdings etc.

(ii) Request for Transaction Statement for the year on your email ID.

(iii) Change of contact details like Telephone, Mobile no. and email ID.

(iv) Change of Password / Secret Question

(v) View of Accounts detail viz name, address, associated nodal office and registration no. etc.

(vi) Regeneration of password using secret question.

(vii) View of last 5 contribution transactions carried out

(viii) Processing of voluntary contributions for Tier I as well as Tier II

(ix) Modification of address using Aadhaar authentication

PFRDA has also advised the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA/NSDL) and all the nodal offices/ PAOs/ DDOs/PoPs/ Banks etc in this matter for actively assisting the subscribers during this extended period of fortnight.

Source: PIB

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